The Physiotherapy Department at Anandam Hospital and Research Centre incorporates evidence based practice in the rehabilitation of a range of musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiorespiratory, paediatric, sport related injuries & other complex problems. The process involves maximizing the functional potential of an individual with disease, dysfunction or injury & also facilitates health promotion, lifestyle modification& fitness training. The physiotherapy services are provided in the intensive care unit (surgical, medical & paediatric), In Patient Department (IPD) and Out Patient Department (OPD). Patient & family education being an integral component of the management process, a discharge counselling session is given to all our In patients. Furthermore, patient education sessions are held once a month for our cardiac & pulmonary patients.

  • Musculoskeletal and sports Rehabilitation
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Neurological Rehabilitation
  • Pediatric Rehabilitation
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation
  • Geriatric Rehabilitation
  • Wound management 
  • Health Promotion and Lifestyle Modification

The Physiotherapy Department has been well established & has added pulmonary & cardiac rehabilitation to its services. The department is well equipped with state of the art specialized systems like :-

  • Short Wave Diathermy (SWD)
  • Inter – Ferential Therapy (IFT)
  • Electro Muscle Stimulator (EMS)
  • Continues Passive Movement (CPM)
  • Traction 
  • Hydro Collateral
  • Cupping
  • Wax Bath
  • Ultrasound